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Create your display

With the tools available, you can create your own posters directly from the management panel of your audioguides.

To do this, start by creating a poster template by going under

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Then under

no description of image found.

You can then create a Template model by clicking on "Create a DocTemplates model"

A new window will then open, you can use the default template by clicking on its name, then click refresh at the top right to view your template.

You can modify your template using the available tools, to add images or other texts to your posters, for example.

Once the docTemplate is ready, create it.

From there you can go to "Generate posters"

no description of image found.

Then select your template, your line and the desired settings, your template will then generate directly by creating a different poster for each stop.

You can also use the base poster which can be placed at each stop.

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About Us

CityTourPlayer is a project from NexSwiss Sàrl, a company based in Switzerland.

The idea for this platform arose during a visit to London on bus 11. Indeed, this bus offered very beautiful views of the best places in the British city but did not provide any real-time information about these places. We came up with the idea of creating a platform that would allow public transport companies and cities around the world to produce customized audioguides on existing public transport networks. In this way, both small towns and large cities could offer tourists, as well as their locals, the opportunity to freely discover their landscape without using private buses routes and to take advantage of existing urban networks.

By NexSwiss Sàrl, for more information about us and our IT products, visit our main website:


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