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They talk about us

A selection of articles and interviews about CityTourPlayer.

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A simple editing program can be used to create a tailor-made audioguide, which synchronizes with the smartphone's GPS, to present the various points of interest along a route.

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Lausanne: Free live guided tour from your scheduled bus - The TL has teamed up with a local start-up to offer an original audioguide service on smartphones.

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From London to Barcelona, Paris and other major cities, you've probably been on a sightseeing bus before. In the past, a guide would explain the history of the various monuments the vehicle was touring, whereas today, everything is done more by phone...

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The idea came to Iunius on a city trip through London: "I was sitting in a double-decker bus and looking out of the window to the left and right, thinking to myself what a shame it was that I wasn't learning anything about the buildings and sights that were passing me by"

no description of image found. Innotour allocates CHF 20,000 to tourism innovation

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Innovation Generator: These companies are the winners of the competition

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CityTourPlayer [...] selected for 2nd stage of innovation generator 2.0

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Discover the Riviera by bus with an audio guide. If you take the bus between Vevey and Rennaz (line 201), you can now discover anecdotes and activities to do in the region thanks to an audio guide.

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Lausanne by public transport and smartphone - Lausanne Cités. TRANSPORT - Since September 18, thanks to the support of Transports publics lausannois (tl), NexSwiss has been testing a free smartphone-based audio tourist guide.

no description of image found. A Lausanne audio guide created by NexSwiss - LFM. NexSwiss is a Lausanne-based startup active in the field of IT services for companies and private individuals. It has just developed, which is currently in the test phase in Lausanne.

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A tourist guide in your ears on line 24 -é The CityTourPlayer, developed by young entrepreneurs NexSwiss, creates audio guides for public transport. A tourist guide system synchronized with your bus journey, currently being tested on line 24.

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The Morges region told through your ears on the bus. Transports de la région Morges-Bière-Cossonay has launched an audioguide on one of its routes. An initiative already familiar to travelers on the Riviera.

no description of image found. Lausanne: Free guided tour live from your public bus - 20 minutes

The TL are teaming up with a local start-up to offer an original audio guide service on smartphones.

no description of image found.From London to Barcelona, Paris and other major cities, you've probably been on a sightseeing bus before. In the past, a guide would explain the history of the various monuments the vehicle was touring, whereas today, everything is done more by phone...

no description of image found.  Discover the Riviera by bus and with an audio guide

If you take the bus between Vevey and Rennaz (line 201), you can now discover anecdotes and activities to do in the region thanks to an audio guide.

no description of image found. Lausanne by public transport and with your smartphone - Lausanne Cités

TRANSPORTATION • Since September 18, the company NexSwiss has put to test, thanks to the support of the Lausanne public transport operator (tl), the project of a free tourist audio guide, on smartphone.

no description of image found. A Lausanne audio guide created by NexSwiss - LFM 

NexSwiss is a Lausanne-based startup active in the field of IT services for businesses and private individuals, it has just developed which is currently testing in Lausanne.

no description of image found.  A tourist guide in your ears on line 24 -

The CityTourPlayer , developed by young entrepreneurs from the NexSwiss company, makes it possible to create audio guides for public transport. A tourist guide system synchronized with your bus route currently being tested on line 24.


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About Us

CityTourPlayer is a project from NexSwiss Sàrl, a company based in Switzerland.

The idea for this platform arose during a visit to London on bus 11. Indeed, this bus offered very beautiful views of the best places in the British city but did not provide any real-time information about these places. We came up with the idea of creating a platform that would allow public transport companies and cities around the world to produce customized audioguides on existing public transport networks. In this way, both small towns and large cities could offer tourists, as well as their locals, the opportunity to freely discover their landscape without using private buses routes and to take advantage of existing urban networks.

By NexSwiss Sàrl, for more information about us and our IT products, visit our main website:


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